Schedule a Reading or Reiki Healing Session on ZOOM:
World time zones
Check your time zone anywhere in the world:
Margie is in Kansas City (*Central Time)
Central Standard Time and Central Daylilght Time are different! Central Standard Time (CST) begins on the first Sunday in November and ends on the second Sunday in March, when Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not in effect. During the rest of the year, Central Daylight Time (CDT) is used. The standard time for Central Time is UTC -6.
Personal Reading or Reiki Healing Session
Eastern Time
*Central Time
Pacific Time
Margie Kay is available to do private readings for people on ZOOM by remote viewing. These must be done on a weekend or during late afternoons because Margie runs her businesses during the day.
New policy: Margie does not do readings for persons under age 18. However, you may ask about your child during your private session.
How it works for a Private Reading Session:
1. Schedule your own time for your reading below, which will be for 30 minutes. Margie is very fast and can usually get all the information you need in that time. Due to Margie's busy schedule, it could take several weeks to get your reading, and this is only done on some Saturdays during the day or Tues - Thurs on ZOOM or Streamyard video. The Cost is $125. Once scheduled, your time has been reserved and there are no refunds or exchanges unless you reschedule at least 72 hours in advance. If you have trouble connecting, send a text or call 816-365-9492.
3. Do not tell Margie anything about yourself or any issues you may have in advance. She likes to work with a blank slate to start with. Next, if you wish, she will scan your energy field, chakras, and your entire body inside looking at the bones, organs, and blood to see if there is anything that needs attention. She will let you know what she finds, then you can discuss any health issues, and she will go further into this by contacting your guides and asking your body what it needs. Disclaimer: This service is for entertainment purposes only as Margie is not a trained health professional.
3. You may ask questions about any subject after the initial scan. Please write down questions in advance.
Take notes or record the meeting so you can refer to it at a later date. The meeting will not be recorded on ZOOM due to issues people often have when trying to access it later, so record on your phone if desired.
Margie will only do two to four readings per person per year due to the heavy demand she has, but you can be assured that the most important information you need will be taken care of during a single session.
How it works for a Reiki Healing Session:
1. Schedule a tile for your 30-minute session using the link below. Check the calendar first for available dates and times.
2. Have a list of ailments ready.
3. It is helpful if you schedule a reading session first, but not necessary.
4. Margie will do a quick scan, set up protection, then do healing work while guiding you through the process at the same time.
5. You may wish to sit in a chair for the session.
Mountain Time
You may pick your own time and date on our PickTime calendar based on your local time zone. Please also pay using PickTime. Margie will send you an email on the day of your reading session with a ZOOM link. Please click on the link in your email to join the meeting on ZOOM. ZOOM uses your computer or cell phone to connect and uses your camera.
Margie's reading days are Tuesday - Thursday at 4 pm and 5 pm and some Saturdays at 11am and 12, 1, & 2 pm Central Time. She is usually booked three weeks in advance. She does not do readings during the month of December.